Friday, March 28, 2008

Scandaloso Hollywood/Silverlake Band

Scandaloso (scandalous boy) was officially formed early in 2006 when writer/director/musician Buddy Akin and actor/writer/singer Hadrian Cortez, having collaborated on a couple of independent film shorts, pooled their talents once again to breathe life into their original concept for a prison themed musical, to be presented on the Los Angeles stage. Over several months of creating characters, dialogue and music toward this goal, they were pleasantly surprised to discover that their vocal styles and ranges were naturally complementary, and decided to acid-test some of the newly-written material at various open mics around the city. Garnering immediate enthusiasm and support for the outer-than-out material as well as for their way-over-the-top performance style, Buddy and Hadrian quickly realized they were on to something much bigger than a one shot stage production, and in fact well on their way to becoming one of the most talked-about cabaret acts in the area. Exhilarated with their success as a duo, but wishing to express the full range of their vision, Buddy and Hadrian began tapping some of the L.A. area’s finest musical talent to assemble their first EP, titled Catch a Muddy Glimpse, and performing live with their current band lineup, including co-writer/guitarist Benny Siegel and percussionist Keith Benton. Alternately hailed as the finest unsigned songwriters in Los Angeles, veteran performers with unflagging energy and wit, and menaces to the very moral fabric of our society, Scandaloso take the praise and controversy in stride and are currently putting together their debut album, titled East of La La La. Tinsel town may never be the same. Go check our our tunes at


scandaloso said...

Viva Scandaloso!

scandaloso said...

When and where are you guys playing!